Destiny – Keine Reviews zum Launch


Am Dienstag werden Millionen Spieler sich endlich in die Coop- und Versus-Gefechte von Destiny stürzen dürfen. Eine Sache wird es zum Launch allerdings nicht geben: Wie Entwickler Bungie bekannt gegeben hat, wird es am Launch-Tag keine Reviews geben. Als Grund nennen die Macher den Umstand, dass man in tausenden Playtests herausgefunden hat, dass Destiny viel von seiner Faszination daraus zieht, dass man immer und überall auf andere Spieler treffen und gemeinsam mit ihnen -  oder im Kampf gegen sie -  Abenteuer erleben kann. Bei einigen hunderten Vorabversionen sei das nicht machbar.

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The release of a new game is often marked by sacred rituals. Players stand in line at midnight to be the first to play. Managers wonder why their staff suddenly becomes violently ill. Industry experts dig in deeply and write their reviews and recommendations.Typically, games receive their report cards before they become available to the public. We don’t believe Destiny is a typical shooter. You could experience the storyline, jump into a few rounds of competitive multiplayer, and form a Fireteam of friends and take on all the Strikes and you would just be getting started. Those activities are critical components of Destiny, but they are also a foundation for so much more.
After thousands of internal playtests, an internal Alpha, and a public Beta, we’ve also learned that Destiny isn’t Destiny without the most crucial component to our living, social world: You.From the beginning, we set out to make Destiny feel like more than bits on a drive. We wanted to build a place for players to visit – a place filled with luminous life. Without a vibrant population for the last safe city on Earth, and Guardians roaming the wild frontiers, Destiny is a shadow of what it should be. That’s not how we wanted to submit for review.
We explored several options to populate the world for reviewers. Our team estimates it would take thousands of gamers to ensure each potential public space in Destiny would be populated – that every activity would be accessible at all hours of the day and night. Where on Earth would we be able to find thousands of gamers?
The answer, again, is you. So, reviews of Destiny will wait for your arrival. On day one, you’ll be rubbing elbows with the pageant judges, so look sharp. Who knows, you may end up on one of their live streams. They may end up on one of yours, too!
For us, this is a first – a new experience. It’s a bit of a risk, too. We fully anticipate seeing day one reviews from folks who decide to kick the tires, but don’t have the time or patience to take our ride for a nice, long road trip. Some of you might wait to pick up a copy until you read the final verdict from your most trusted review house. We’re okay with that. We’ve created something we’re proud of.
We hope you love it as much as we do.
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