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Rayman Legends

Rayman Legends is delayed until Q1 2013

12:00 PM on 10.08.2012 // Chris Carter

I was all set to hunker down, order some pizza, turn off all contact to the outside world, and power through Rayman Legends on the Wii U's launch day. Then I found out it wasn't a launch title -- fair enough, Ubisoft, I can wait.

But today, we have even worse news: Rayman Legends is now delayed into "Quarter 1 2013." Nuts. Regarding the delay, Ubisoft told, "We're happy that fans are excited about the game, and we are taking the time to make sure we deliver a game that lives up to and hopefully exceeds their expectations. We'll have more details to share soon."

Could a potential multiplatform announcement have anything to do with it? Either way, I know a lot of people who are buying a Wii U just for this game, so that has to hurt even a little bit for Nintendo come November. 

Rayman Legends delayed to Q1 2013 worldwide [Videogamer]

Chris Carter, Reviews Director
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Rayman Legends

  Nov 12

Rayman Legends headed to PS4, Xbox One next year

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